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Performance Data

The National Board of Medical Examiners publishes USMLE performance data in its annual reports. Most of the data presented here are excerpted from those publications.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at approximately 335 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 100 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at four medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2023 Number Tested 2023 Percent Passing 2024* Number Tested 2024* Percent Passing
MD Degree 25,146 90% 25,702 89%
1st Takers 23,100 92% 23,280 91%
Repeaters** 2,046 70% 2,422 70%
DO Degree 4,913 86% 4,988 86%
1st Takers 4,798 87% 4,873 86%
Repeaters** 115 60% 115 86%
Total 30,059 90% 30,690 88%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2023 Number Tested 2023 Percent Passing 2024* Number Tested 2024* Percent Passing
1st Takers 22,611 72% 22,713 73%
Repeaters** 3,530 47% 3,921 52%
Total 26,141 68% 26,634 70%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2024 and reported through January 24, 2025.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2022 - 2023 Number Tested 2022 - 2023 Percent Passing 2023 - 2024* Number Tested 2023 - 2024* Percent Passing
MD Degree 23,500 98% 22,890 98%
1st Takers 23,018 98% 22,439 98%
Repeaters** 482 71% 451 74%
DO Degree 4,712 96% 5,354 96%
1st Takers 4,666 96% 5,318 96%
Repeaters** 46 61% 36 72%
Total 28,212 97% 28,244 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2022 - 2023 Number Tested 2022 - 2023 Percent Passing 2023 - 2024* Number Tested 2023 - 2024* Percent Passing
1st Takers 14,395 88% 15,064 89%
Repeaters** 1,411 60% 1,573 61%
Total 15,806 86% 16,637 87%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30 whose scores were reported through January 24, 2025.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2023 Number Tested 2023 Percent Passing 2024* Number Tested 2024* Percent Passing
MD Degree 22,405 97% 21,988 96%
1st Takers 21,703 97% 21,213 97%
Repeaters** 702 77% 775 73%
DO Degree 104 95% 115 91%
1st Takers 100 95% 110 93%
Repeaters** 4 5 60%
Total 22,509 97% 22,103 96%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2023 Number Tested 2023 Percent Passing 2024* Number Tested 2024* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,500 92% 12,134 89%
Repeaters** 1,264 64% 1,835 64%
Total 12,764 89% 13,969 85%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2024 and reported through January 24, 2025.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at approximately 335 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 100 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at four medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2022 Number Tested 2022 Percent Passing 2023* Number Tested 2023* Percent Passing
MD Degree 24,317 91% 25,146 90%
1st Takers 22,828 93% 23,100 92%
Repeaters** 1,489 71% 2,046 70%
DO Degree 4,722 89% 4,913 86%
1st Takers 4,659 89% 4,798 87%
Repeaters** 63 67% 115 60%
Total 29,039 91% 30,059 90%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2022 Number Tested 2022 Percent Passing 2023* Number Tested 2023* Percent Passing
1st Takers 22,030 74% 22,611 72%
Repeaters** 2,926 45% 3,530 47%
Total 24,956 71% 26,141 68%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2023 and reported through March 13, 2024.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2021 - 2022 Number Tested 2021 - 2022 Percent Passing 2022 - 2023* Number Tested 2022 - 2023* Percent Passing
MD Degree 24,632 98% 23,500 98%
1st Takers 24,205 99% 23,018 98%
Repeaters** 427 71% 482 71%
DO Degree 5,199 97% 4,712 96%
1st Takers 5,177 97% 4,666 96%
Repeaters** 22 73% 46 61%
Total 29,831 98% 28,212 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2021 - 2022 Number Tested 2021 - 2022 Percent Passing 2022 - 2023* Number Tested 2022 - 2023* Percent Passing
1st Takers 12,708 89% 14,395 88%
Repeaters** 1,369 57% 1,411 60%
Total 14,077 86% 15,806 86%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30 whose scores were reported through March 13, 2024.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2022 Number Tested 2022 Percent Passing 2023* Number Tested 2023* Percent Passing
MD Degree 22,336 97% 22,405 97%
1st Takers 21,633 98% 21,703 97%
Repeaters** 703 76% 702 77%
DO Degree 100 96% 104 95%
1st Takers 98 96% 100 95%
Repeaters** 2 4
Total 22,436 97% 22,509 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2022 Number Tested 2022 Percent Passing 2023* Number Tested 2023* Percent Passing
1st Takers 10,993 91% 11,500 92%
Repeaters** 1,294 64% 1,264 64%
Total 12,287 89% 12,764 89%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2023 and reported through March 13, 2024.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 100 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at four medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Click here to learn about important information that may impact interpretation of the 2022 Step 1 performance data.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2021* Number Tested 2021* Percent Passing 2022* Number Tested 2022* Percent Passing
MD Degree 23,078 95% 24,317 91%
1st Takers 22,280 96% 22,828 93%
Repeaters** 798 66% 1,489 71%
DO Degree 5,365 94% 4,722 89%
1st Takers 5,309 94% 4,659 89%
Repeaters** 56 75% 63 67%
Total 28,443 95% 29,039 91%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2021 Number Tested 2021 Percent Passing 2022* Number Tested 2022* Percent Passing
1st Takers 16,952 82% 22,030 74%
Repeaters** 2,258 45% 2,926 45%
Total 19,210 77% 24,956 71%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2022 and reported through February 1, 2023.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2020 - 2021 Number Tested 2020 - 2021 Percent Passing 2021 - 2022* Number Tested 2021 - 2022* Percent Passing
MD Degree 24,019 98% 24,632 98%
1st Takers 23,607 99% 24,205 99%
Repeaters** 412 75% 427 71%
DO Degree 4,499 98% 5,199 97%
1st Takers 4,475 98% 5,177 97%
Repeaters** 24 71% 22 73%
Total 28,518 98% 29,831 98%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2020 - 2021 Number Tested 2020 - 2021 Percent Passing 2021 - 2022* Number Tested 2021 - 2022* Percent Passing
1st Takers 12,431 91% 12,708 89%
Repeaters** 1,368 62% 1,369 57%
Total 13,799 88% 14,077 86%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30 whose scores were reported through February 1, 2023.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2021 Number Tested 2021 Percent Passing 2022* Number Tested 2022* Percent Passing
MD Degree 22,225 97% 22,336 97%
1st Takers 21,568 98% 21,633 98%
Repeaters** 657 73% 703 76%
DO Degree 62 97% 100 96%
1st Takers 61 97% 98 96%
Repeaters** 1 2
Total 22,287 97% 22,436 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2021 Number Tested 2021 Percent Passing 2022* Number Tested 2022* Percent Passing
1st Takers 9,891 91% 10,993 91%
Repeaters** 1,311 62% 1,294 64%
Total 11,202 87% 12,287 89%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2022 and reported through February 1, 2023.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 110 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at six medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2020 Number Tested 2020 Percent Passing 2021* Number Tested 2021* Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,343 97% 23,078 95%
1st Takers 19,772 98% 22,280 96%
Repeaters** 571 67% 798 66%
DO Degree 5,274 95% 5,365 94%
1st Takers 5,235 96% 5,309 94%
Repeaters** 39 74% 56 75%
Total 25,617 97% 28,443 95%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2020 Number Tested 2020 Percent Passing 2021* Number Tested 2021* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,742 87% 16,952 82%
Repeaters** 1,375 50% 2,258 45%
Total 13,117 83% 19,210 77%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2021 and reported through February 2, 2022.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2019 - 2020 Number Tested 2019 - 2020 Percent Passing 2020 - 2021* Number Tested 2020 - 2021* Percent Passing
MD Degree 18,574 98% 24,019 98%
1st Takers 18,138 98% 23,607 99%
Repeaters** 436 76% 412 75%
DO Degree 3,362 97% 4,499 98%
1st Takers 3,341 97% 4,475 98%
Repeaters** 21 71% 24 71%
Total 21,936 98% 28,518 98%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2019 - 2020 Number Tested 2019 - 2020 Percent Passing 2020 - 2021* Number Tested 2020 - 2021* Percent Passing
1st Takers 9,123 90% 12,431 91%
Repeaters** 1,172 59% 1,368 62%
Total 10,295 87% 13,799 88%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30 whose scores were reported through February 2, 2022.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2020 Number Tested 2020 Percent Passing 2021* Number Tested 2021* Percent Passing
MD Degree 17,316 97% 22,225 97%
1st Takers 16,944 98% 21,568 98%
Repeaters** 372 73% 657 73%
DO Degree 11 91% 62 97%
1st Takers 11 91% 61 97%
Repeaters** 0 N/A 1
Total 17,327 97% 22,287 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2020 Number Tested 2020 Percent Passing 2021* Number Tested 2021* Percent Passing
1st Takers 7,192 90% 9,891 91%
Repeaters** 913 57% 1,311 62%
Total 8,105 86% 11,202 87%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2021 and reported through February 2, 2022.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 110 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at six medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2019 Number Tested 2019 Percent Passing 2020* Number Tested 2020* Percent Passing
MD Degree 22,146 96% 20,343 97%
1st Takers 21,308 97% 19,772 98%
Repeaters** 838 66% 571 67%
DO Degree 4,837 96% 5,274 95%
1st Takers 4,794 96% 5,235 96%
Repeaters** 43 67% 39 74%
Total 26,983 96% 25,617 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2019 Number Tested 2019 Percent Passing 2020* Number Tested 2020* Percent Passing
1st Takers 14,046 82% 11,742 87%
Repeaters** 2,019 45% 1,375 50%
Total 16,065 78% 13,117 83%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2020 and reported through February 3, 2021.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2018 - 2019 Number Tested 2018 - 2019 Percent Passing 2020* Number Tested 2020* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,721 97% 18,574 98%
1st Takers 21,093 98% 18,138 98%
Repeaters** 628 72% 436 76%
DO Degree 3,476 97% 3,362 97%
1st Takers 3,445 97% 3,341 97%
Repeaters** 31 74% 21 71%
Total 25,197 97% 21,936 98%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2018 - 2019 Number Tested 2018 - 2019 Percent Passing 2019 - 2020* Number Tested 2019 - 2020* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,082 87% 9,123 90%
Repeaters** 1,859 57% 1,172 59%
Total 12,941 82% 10,295 87%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30 whose scores were reported through February 3, 2021.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CS

Step 2 CS Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2018 - 2019 Number Tested 2018 - 2019 Percent Passing 2019 - 2020* Number Tested 2019 - 2020* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,910 95% 17,174 95%
1st Takers 20,740 95% 16,265 95%
Repeaters** 1,170 87% 909 88%
DO Degree 44 86% 37 87%
1st Takers 41 85% 35 89%
Repeaters** 3 2
Total 21,954 95% 17,211 95%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2018 - 2019 Number Tested 2018 - 2019 Percent Passing 2019 - 2020* Number Tested 2019 - 2020* Percent Passing
1st Takers 10,648 77% 5,702 75%
Repeaters** 2,535 66% 1,737 68%
Total 13,183 75% 7,439 73%

* Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all Step 2 CS testing was suspended on March 16, 2020, resulting in a shortened testing window during the 2019-2020 academic year.

** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CS Administrations 2018 - 2020¹ First Taker Passing Rates² for Subcomponents: Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE), Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS), Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
2018-2019 ICE 2018-2019 CIS 2018-2019 SEP 2019-2020³ ICE 2019-2020³ CIS 2019-2020³ SEP
All US/Canadian Schools 96% 99% >99% 96% 99% >99%
All Non-US/Canadian Schools 82% 95% 94% 82% 96% 92%

¹ Data for Step 2 CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 and July 1, 2019 to March 13, 2020.
² >99% is used to signify those passing rates that would otherwise round up to 100%.
³ Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all Step 2 CS testing was suspended on March 16, 2020, resulting in a shortened testing window during the 2019-2020 academic year.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2019 Number Tested 2019 Percent Passing 2020* Number Tested 2020* Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,611 98% 17,316 97%
1st Takers 20,023 98% 16,944 98%
Repeaters** 588 74% 372 73%
DO Degree 13 100% 11 91%
1st Takers 12 100% 11 91%
Repeaters** 1 100% 0
Total 20,624 98% 17,327 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2019 Number Tested 2020* Percent Passing 2019 Number Tested 2020* Percent Passing
1st Takers 9,111 92% 7,192 90%
Repeaters** 1,235 64% 913 57%
Total 10,346 89% 8,105 86%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2020 and reported through February 3, 2021.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.
N/A - not applicable.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 110 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at six medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2018 Number Tested 2018 Percent Passing 2019* Number Tested 2019* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,611 95% 22,146 96%
1st Takers 20,670 96% 21,308 97%
Repeaters** 941 67% 838 66%
DO Degree 4,136 96% 4,837 96%
1st Takers 4,092 96% 4,794 96%
Repeaters** 44 73% 43 67%
Total 25,747 95% 26,983 96%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2018 Number Tested 2018 Percent Passing 2019* Number Tested 2019* Percent Passing
1st Takers 14,332 80% 14,046 82%
Repeaters** 2,111 44% 2,019 45%
Total 16,443 75% 16,065 78%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2019 and reported through January 29, 2020.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2017 - 2018 Number Tested 2017 - 2018 Percent Passing 2018 - 2019* Number Tested 2018 - 2019* Percent Passing
MD Degree 22,367 96% 21,721 97%
1st Takers 21,531 97% 21,093 98%
Repeaters** 836 66% 628 72%
DO Degree 3,076 94% 3,476 97%
1st Takers 3,038 95% 3,445 97%
Repeaters** 38 74% 31 74%
Total 25,443 96% 25,197 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2017 - 2018 Number Tested 2018 - 2019* Percent Passing 2017 - 2018 Number Tested 2018 - 2019* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,469 83% 11,082 87%
Repeaters** 2,144 52% 1,859 57%
Total 13,613 78% 12,941 82%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30 whose scores were reported through January 29, 2020.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CS

Step 2 CS Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2017 - 2018 Number Tested 2017 - 2018 Percent Passing 2018 - 2019* Number Tested 2018 - 2019* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,543 94% 21,910 95%
1st Takers 20,438 95% 20,740 95%
Repeaters** 1,105 87% 1,170 87%
DO Degree 64 86% 44 86%
1st Takers 59 85% 41 85%
Repeaters** 5 100% 3
Total 21,607 94% 21,954 95%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2017 - 2018 Number Tested 2017 - 2018 Percent Passing 2018 - 2019* Number Tested 2018 - 2019* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,223 75% 10,648 77%
Repeaters** 2,114 61% 2,535 66%
Total 13,337 73% 13,183 75%

* Data for Step CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 through June 30 whose scores were reported through January 29, 2020.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

Step 2 CS Administrations 2017 - 2019* First Taker Passing Rates* for Subcomponents: Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE), Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS), Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
2017-2018 ICE 2017-2018 CIS 2017-2018 SEP 2018-2019 ICE 2018-2019 CIS 2018-2019 SEP
All US/Canadian Schools 96% 98% >99%** 96% 99% >99%**
All Non-US/Canadian Schools 81% 94% 93% 82% 95% 94%

* Data for Step 2 CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30 whose scores were reported through January 29, 2020.
** '>99%' is used to signify those passing rates that would otherwise round up to 100%.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2018 Number Tested 2018 Percent Passing 2019* Number Tested 2019* Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,595 97% 20,611 98%
1st Takers 19,948 98% 20,023 98%
Repeaters** 647 73% 588 74%
DO Degree 23 96% 13 100%
1st Takers 23 96% 12 100%
Repeaters** 0 N/A 1
Total 20,618 97% 20,624 98%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2018 Number Tested 2018 Percent Passing 2019* Number Tested 2019*Percent Passing
1st Takers 8,913 90% 9,111 92%
Repeaters** 1,419 59% 1,235 64%
Total 10,332 86% 10,346 89%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2019 and reported through January 29, 2020.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.
N/A - not applicable.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 110 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at six medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Most examinees taking the computer-based Step examinations receive their scores approximately three to four weeks after their test date. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2017 Number Tested 2017 Percent Passing 2018* Number Tested 2018* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,382 94% 21,611 95%
1st Takers 20,353 96% 20,670 96%
Repeaters** 1,029 67% 941 67%
DO Degree 3,835 95% 4,136 96%
1st Takers 3,786 95% 4,092 96%
Repeaters** 49 76% 44 73%
Total 25,217 94% 25,747 94%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2018 and reported through January 30, 2019.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2017 Number Tested 2017 Percent Passing 2018* Number Tested 2018* Percent Passing
1st Takers 14,900 78% 14,332 80%
Repeaters** 2,303 41% 2,111 44%
Total 17,203 73% 16,443 75%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2018 and reported through January 30, 2019.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2016-2017 Number Tested 2016-2017 Percent Passing 2017-2018* Number Tested 2017-2018* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,071 95% 22,367 96%
1st Takers 20,140 96% 21,531 97%
Repeaters** 931 66% 836 66%
DO Degree 2,581 94% 3,076 94%
1st Takers 2,547 95% 3,038 95%
Repeaters** 34 68% 38 74%
Total 23,652 95% 25,443 96%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2016-2017 Number Tested 2016-2017 Percent Passing 2017-2018* Number Tested 2017-2018* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,949 81% 11,469 83%
Repeaters** 2,342 50% 2,144 52%
Total 14,291 76% 13,613 78%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CS

Step 2 CS Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2016-2017 Number Tested 2016-2017 Percent Passing 2017-2018* Number Tested 2017-2018* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,064 96% 21,543 94%
1st Takers 20,285 96% 20,438 95%
Repeaters** 779 90% 1,105 87%
DO Degree 46 96% 64 86%
1st Takers 45 96% 59 85%
Repeaters** 1 5 100
Total 21,110 96% 21,607 94%

* Data for Step CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 through June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2016-2017 Number Tested 2016-2017 Percent Passing 2017-2018* Number Tested 2017-2018* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,790 82% 11,223 75%
Repeaters** 1,968 72% 2,114 61%
Total 13,758 81% 13,337 73%

* Data for Step CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 through June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

Step 2 CS Administrations 2017 - 2018 First Taker Passing Rates* for Subcomponents: Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE), Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS), Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
2016-2017 ICE 2016-2017 CIS 2016-2017 SEP 2017-2018 ICE 2017-2018 CIS 2017-2018 SEP
All US/Canadian Schools 97% 99% >99%** 96% 98% >99%**
All Non-US/Canadian Schools 85% 95% 99% 81% 94% 93%

* Data for Step 2 CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** >99% is used to signify those passing rates that would otherwise round up to 100%.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2017 Number Tested 2017 Percent Passing 2018* Number Tested 2018* Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,094 97% 20,595 97%
1st Takers 19,405 98% 19,948 98%
Repeaters** 689 73% 647 73%
DO Degree 13 100% 23 96%
1st Takers 13 100% 23 96%
Repeaters** 0 N/A 0 N/A
Total 20,107 97% 20,618 97%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2018 and reported through January 30, 2019.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.
N/A - not applicable.

Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2017 Number Tested 2017 Percent Passing 2018* Number Tested 2018* Percent Passing
1st Takers 8,226 88% 8,913 90%
Repeaters** 1,439 60% 1,419 59%
Total 9,665 84% 10,332 86%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2018 and reported through January 30, 2019.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.
N/A - not applicable.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 110 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at six medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Most examinees taking the computer-based Step examinations receive their scores approximately three to four weeks after their test date. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2016 Number Tested 2016 Percent Passing 2017* Number Tested 2017* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,122 94% 21,382 94%
1st Takers 20,122 96% 20,353 96%
Repeaters** 1000 64% 1,029 67%
DO Degree 3,454 93% 3,835 95%
1st Takers 3,398 94% 3,786 95%
Repeaters** 56 75% 49 76%
Total 24,576 94% 25,217 94%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2016 Number Tested 2016 Percent Passing 2017* Number Tested 2017* Percent Passing
1st Takers 15,031 78% 14,900 78%
Repeaters** 2,575 39% 2,303 41%
Total 17,606 72% 17,203 73%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2017 and reported through January 31, 2018.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2015 - 2016 Number Tested 2015 - 2016 Percent Passing 2016 - 2017* Number Tested 2016 - 2017* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,515 96% 21,071 95%
1st Takers 20,535 97% 20,140 96%
Repeaters** 980 71% 931 66%
DO Degree 2,272 94% 2,581 94%
1st Takers 2,228 94% 2,547 95%
Repeaters** 44 84% 34 68%
Total 23,787 95% 23,652 95%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2015 - 2016 Number Tested 2015 - 2016 Percent Passing 2016 - 2017* Number Tested 2016 - 2017* Percent Passing
1st Takers 12,720 80% 11,949 81%
Repeaters** 2,738 53% 2,342 50%
Total 15,440 75% 14,291 76%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CS

Step 2 CS Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2015 - 2016 Number Tested 2015 - 2016 Percent Passing 2016 - 2017* Number Tested 2016 - 2017* Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,622 97% 21,064 96%
1st Takers 19,906 97% 20,285 96%
Repeaters** 716 85% 779 90%
DO Degree 46 91% 46 96%
1st Takers 46 91% 45 96%
Repeaters** 0 0 1
Total 20,668 97% 21,110 96%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2015 - 2016 Number Tested 2015 - 2016 Percent Passing 2016 - 2017* Number Tested 2016 - 2017* Percent Passing
1st Takers 12,051 82% 11,790 82%
Repeaters** 2,300 71% 1,968 72%
Total 14,351 81% 13,758 81%

* Data for Step CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 through June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

Step 2 CS Administrations First Taker Passing Rates* for Subcomponents: Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE), Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS), Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
2015-2016 ICE 2015-2016 CIS 2015-2016 SEP 2016-2017 ICE 2016-2017 CIS 2016-2017 SEP
All US/Canadian Schools 98% 99% >99%** 97% 99% >99%**
All Non-US/Canadian Schools 87% 93% 98% 85% 95% 99%

* Data for Step 2 CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** >99% is used to signify those passing rates that would otherwise round up to 100%.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2016 Number Tested 2016 Percent Passing 2017* Number Tested 2017* Percent Passing
MD Degree 19,574 96% 20,094 97%
1st Takers 18,977 97% 19,405 98%
Repeaters** 597 70% 689 73%
DO Degree 21 95% 13 100%
1st Takers 20 95% 13 100%
Repeaters** 1 0 0
Total 19,595 96% 20,107 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2016 Number Tested 2016 Percent Passing 2017* Number Tested 2017* Percent Passing
1st Takers 8,804 86% 8,226 88%
Repeaters** 1,355 53% 1,439 60%
Total 10,159 81% 9,665 84%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2017 and reported through January 31, 2018.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 110 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at six medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Most examinees taking the computer-based Step examinations receive their scores approximately three to four weeks after their test date. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2015 Number Tested 2015 Percent Passing 2016* Number Tested 2016* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,111 94% 21,122 94%
1st Takers 20,213 96% 20,122 96%
Repeaters** 898 68% 1,000 64%
DO Degree 3,222 93% 3,454 93%
1st Takers 3,185 93% 3,398 94%
Repeaters** 37 65% 56 75%
Total 24,333 94% 24,576 94%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2015 Number Tested 2015 Percent Passing 2016* Number Tested 2016* Percent Passing
1st Takers 15,030 78% 15,031 78%
Repeaters** 2,719 38% 2,575 39%
Total 17,749 72% 17,606 72%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2016 and reported through February 3, 2017.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2014-2015 Number Tested 2014-2015 Percent Passing 2015-2016* Number Tested 2015-2016* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,174 94% 21,515 96%
1st Takers 20,120 96% 20,535 97%
Repeaters** 1,054 65% 980 71%
DO Degree 2,143 92% 2,272 94%
1st Takers 2,104 92% 2,228 94%
Repeaters** 39 67% 44 84%
Total 23,317 94% 23,787 95%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2014-2015 Number Tested 2014-2015 Percent Passing 2015-2016* Number Tested 2015-2016* Percent Passing
1st Takers 12,247 75% 12,720 80%
Repeaters** 2,409 46% 2,738 53%
Total 14,656 71% 15,440 75%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CS

Step 2 CS Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2014-2015 Number Tested 2014-2015 Percent Passing 2015-2016* Number Tested 2015-2016* Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,190 96% 20,622 97%
1st Takers 19,373 96% 19,906 97%
Repeaters** 817 86% 716 85%
DO Degree 62 90% 46 91%
1st Takers 61 90% 46 91%
Repeaters** 1 0 N/A
Total 20,252 96% 20,668 97%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2014 - 2015 Number Tested 2014 - 2015 Percent Passing 2015 - 2016* Number Tested 2015 - 2016* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,782 80% 12,051 82%
Repeaters** 2,760 71% 2,300 71%
Total 14,542 78% 14,351 81%

* Data for Step CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 through June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

Step 2 CS Administrations 2015 - 2016 First Taker Passing Rates* for Subcomponents: Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE), Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS), Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
2014-2015 ICE 2014-2015 CIS 2014-2015 SEP 2015-2016 ICE 2015-2016 CIS 2015-2016 SEP
All US/Canadian Schools 98% 98% >99%** 98% 99% >99%**
All Non-US/Canadian Schools 86% 91% 98% 87% 93% 98%

* Data for Step 2 CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** '>99%' is used to signify those passing rates that would otherwise round up to 100%.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2015 Number Tested 2015 Percent Passing 2016 Number Tested* 2016 Percent Passing*
MD Degree 17,864 98% 19,574 96%
1st Takers 17,296 98% 18,977 97%
Repeaters** 568 74% 597 70%
DO Degree 23 83% 21 95%
1st Takers 21 91% 20 95%
Repeaters** 2 1
Total 17,887 98% 19,595 96%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2015 Number Tested 2015 Percent Passing 2016 Number Tested* 2016 Percent Passing*
1st Takers 7,637 89% 8,804 86%
Repeaters** 1,344 57% 1,355 53%
Total 8,981 85% 10,159 81%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2016 and reported through February 3, 2017.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 110 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at six medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Most examinees taking the computer-based Step examinations receive their scores approximately three to four weeks after their test date. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2014 Number Tested 2014 Percent Passing 2015* Number Tested 2015* Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,394 95% 21,111 94%
1st Takers 19,582 96% 20,213 96%
Repeaters** 812 68% 898 68%
DO Degree 2,846 93% 3,222 93%
1st Takers 2,810 93% 3,185 93%
Repeaters** 36 69% 37 65%
Total 23,240 95% 24,333 94%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2014 Number Tested 2014 Percent Passing 2015* Number Tested 2015* Percent Passing
1st Takers 15,149 78% 15,030 78%
Repeaters** 2,889 38% 2,719 38%
Total 18,038 72% 17,749 72%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2015 and reported through February 3, 2016.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2013 - 2014 Number Tested 2013 - 2014 Percent Passing 2014 - 2015* Number Tested 2014 - 2015* Percent Passing
MD Degree 19,819 96% 21,174 94%
1st Takers 19,124 97% 20,120 96%
Repeaters** 695 70% 1,054 65%
DO Degree 1,908 94% 2,143 92%
1st Takers 1,886 95% 2,104 92%
Repeaters** 22 68% 39 67%
Total 21,727 96% 23,317 94%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2013 - 2014 Number Tested 2013 - 2014 Percent Passing 2014 - 2015* Number Tested 2014 - 2015* Percent Passing
1st Takers 12,713 80% 12,247 75%
Repeaters** 2,164 47% 2,409 46%
Total 14,877 75% 14,656 71%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CS

Step 2 CS Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2013 - 2014 Number Tested 2013 - 2014 Percent Passing 2014 - 2015* Number Tested 2014 - 2015* Percent Passing
MD Degree 19,745 95% 20,190 96%
1st Takers 18,874 96% 19,373 96%
Repeaters** 871 84% 817 86%
DO Degree 56 93% 62 90%
1st Takers 52 92% 61 90%
Repeaters** 4 1
Total 19,801 95% 20,252 96%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2013 - 2014 Number Tested 2013 - 2014 Percent Passing 2014 - 2015* Number Tested 2014 - 2015* Percent Passing
1st Takers 11,822 74% 11,782 80%
Repeaters** 3,041 66% 2,760 71%
Total 14,863 73% 14,542 78%

* Data for Step CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 through June 30.
**'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

Step 2 CS Administrations First Taker Passing Rates* for Subcomponents: Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE), Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS), Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
2013-2014 ICE 2013-2014 CIS 2013-2014 SEP 2014-2015 ICE 2014-2015 CIS 2014-2015 SEP
All US/Canadian Schools 97% 98% >99%** 98% 98% >99%**
All Non-US/Canadian Schools 81% 89% 97% 86% 91% 98%

* Data for Step 2 CS are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** >99% is used to signify those passing rates that would otherwise round up to 100%.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2014 Number Tested 2014 Percent Passing 2015* Number Tested 2015* Percent Passing
MD Degree 21,224 96% 17,864 98%
1st Takers 20,470 97% 17,296 98%
Repeaters** 754 73% 568 74%
DO Degree 27 100% 23 83%
1st Takers 27 100% 21 91%
Repeaters** 0 N/A 2
Total 21,251 96% 17,887 98%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2014 Number Tested 2014 Percent Passing 2015 Number Tested 2015 Percent Passing
1st Takers 9,983 87% 7,637 89%
Repeaters** 1,781 58% 1,344 57%
Total 11,764 82% 8,981 85%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2015 and reported through February 3, 2016.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.
N/A - not applicable.

USMLE Administration, Minimum Passing Scores, and Performance

Continuous test administration of the USMLE is available to all examinees. For Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 3, which are the computer-based testing (CBT) components of the USMLE program, test scheduling and delivery are provided by Prometric. These CBT examinations are currently administered at more than 345 US/Canadian Prometric test centers and approximately 110 international Prometric test centers. Additional test centers are located at six medical schools in the United States. The Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations are administered worldwide; the Step 3 examination is administered only in the United States.

For each of the Step examinations, once the registration process is completed, applicants make their own appointment to take the examination at a location and time most convenient to their schedule. Examination results are processed continuously, and scores are reported weekly. Most examinees taking the computer-based Step examinations receive their scores approximately three to four weeks after their test date. Individual score reports are made available to examinees via a secure website.

A pass or fail result is provided, as a USMLE recommendation, for each examinee. Passing results are based on achievement of specified levels of proficiency established prior to administration of examinations. Statistical procedures are employed to insure that for each Step, the level of proficiency required to pass remains uniform across forms of the examination. As noted in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, the score required to meet the recommended level of proficiency is reviewed periodically and may be adjusted without prior notice. Notice of adjustments is posted in the USMLE Announcements. The USMLE Score Interpretation Guidelines provides score interpretation information for Step 1, Step CK and Step 3 examinations.

Step 1

Step 1 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2013 Number Tested 2013 Percent Passing 2014* Number Tested 2014* Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,023 95% 20,394 95%
1st Takers 19,108 97% 19,582 96%
Repeaters** 915 72% 812 68%
DO Degree 2,726 94% 2,846 93%
1st Takers 2,680 94% 2,810 93%
Repeaters** 46 74% 36 69%
Total 22,749 95% 23,240 95%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2013 Number Tested 2013 Percent Passing 2014* Number Tested 2014* Percent Passing
1st Takers 14,649 79% 15,149 78%
Repeaters** 3,772 44% 2,889 38%
Total 18,421 72% 18,038 72%

* Represents data for examinees tested in 2014 and reported through February 5, 2015.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CK

Step 2 CK Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2012 - 2013 Number Tested 2012 - 2013 Percent Passing 2013 - 2014* Number Tested 2013 - 2014* Percent Passing
MD Degree 19,155 97% 19,819 96%
1st Takers 18,658 98% 19,124 97%
Repeaters** 497 74% 695 70%
DO Degree 1,634 96% 1,908 94%
1st Takers 1,615 96% 1,886 95%
Repeaters** 19 84% 22 68%
Total 20,789 97% 21,727 96%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2012 - 2013 Number Tested 2012 - 2013 Percent Passing 2013 - 2014* Number Tested 2013 - 2014* Percent Passing
1st Takers 12,203 84% 12,713 80%
Repeaters** 1,948 50% 2,164 47%
Total 14,151 80% 14,877 75%

* Data for Step 2 CK are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1 to June 30.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.

Step 2 CS

Step 2 CS Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2012 - 2013* Number Tested 2012 - 2013* Percent Passing 2013 - 2014** Number Tested 2013 - 2014** Percent Passing
MD Degree 20,201 97% 19,745 95%
1st Takers 19,757 98% 18,874 96%
Repeaters† 444 80% 871 84%
DO Degree 66 89% 56 93%
1st Takers 63 89% 52 92%
Repeaters† 3 4
Total 20,267 97% 19,801 95%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2012 - 2013* Number Tested 2012 - 2013* Percent Passing 2013 - 2014** Number Tested 2013 - 2014** Percent Passing
1st Takers 12,083 76% 11,822 74%
Repeaters† 2,393 59% 3,041 66%
Total 14,476 73% 14,863 73%

* Data for 2012-2013 are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 17, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
** Data for 2013-2014 are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.
† 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
‡ Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.

Step 2 CS Administrations First Taker Passing Rates* for Subcomponents: Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE), Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS), Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
2012-2013* ICE 2012-2013* CIS 2012-2013* SEP 2013-2014** ICE 2013-2014** CIS 2013-2014** SEP
All US/Canadian Schools 98% 99% >99%† 97% 98% >99%†
All Non-US/Canadian Schools 81% 92% 97% 81% 89% 97%

* Data for 2012-2013 are provided for examinees tested during the period of June 17, 2012 through June 30, 2013.

** Data for 2013-2014 are provided for examinees tested during the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

† >99% is used to signify those passing rates that would otherwise round up to 100%.

Step 3

Step 3 Administrations
Examinees from US/Canadian Schools 2013 Number Tested 2013 Percent Passing 2014* Number Tested 2014* Percent Passing
MD Degree 19,886 96% 21,223 96%
1st Takers 19,086 97% 20,468 97%
Repeaters** 800 78% 755 73%
DO Degree 25 92% 27 100%
1st Takers 23 96% 27 100%
Repeaters** 2
Total 19,911 96% 21,250 96%
Examinees from Non-US/Canadian Schools 2013 Number Tested 2013 Percent Passing 2014* Number Tested 2014* Percent Passing
1st Takers 8,781 87% 9,982 87%
Repeaters** 1,978 64% 1,780 58%
Total 10,759 83% 11,762 83%

* Represents data for examinees who tested in 2014. These data differ from the numbers published in the 2014 NBME Annual Report because they include the performance of examinees who tested in November and December 2014 and whose score release date was beyond the publication date of that report.
** 'Repeaters' represents examinations given, not number of examinees.
† Performance data not reported for categories containing fewer than 5 examinees.